Fundado em 28 de Setembro de 1998

18 de janeiro de 2014

One can learn much from a river: Aneesha Myles Shewani

Permission Granted by Copyright Owner for Use on Book DrumGurgling River - Credit: Tejal Chopra

In Siddhartha’s quest for the Ultimate Truth and Inner Peace, at the beginning of each period of his life, he runs into the river and contemplates his previous life experiences. The river is where he finally reaches his enlightenment after reflecting on his life.

It is by the riverside that he realized his weakness and where he found true happiness.  The river in Siddhartha represents life itself, time, and the path to enlightenment. As a representation of life, it provides knowledge without words, and by learning from the river. Siddhartha’s acquires an intuitive understanding of the Divinity of Nature and of his Self, as a coherent part of Nature. 

Sidarta de Hermann Hesse foi debatido no Clube de Leitura Icaraí em 2/8/2013 

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